Reduction of Production Cost of Jute (BJRI Tossa Pat 5) as Influenced by Urea Top Dressing Does and Period

Author Details

Md. Ashraful Alam, Jannatul Ferdous, Manika Rani Debnath, Md. Shahadat Hossain and Md. Mahbubul Islam

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Published: 19 July 2019 | Article Type :


With a view to identify the effective does and optimum period of top dressing of urea in jute crop for reducing production cost of BJRI Tossa Pat 5 a field experiment was undertaken at Jute Research Regional Station, of Bangladesh Jute Research Institute, Kishoreganj during April to August 2018. The experiment was laid out in RCBD with three replications. The treatments were three Top dressing dose of Urea (gm-2 ): D. viz. D1 = 10-14-0 gm-2 , D2 = 12-16-0 gm-2 and D3 = 12-14-10 gm-2 ., four Top dressing period (DAG): A. viz. A1 = At Basal time-35-0, A2 = At Basal time-25-45, A3 = 05-35-0 DAG and A4 = 05-25-45 and Control (Recommended dose of fertilizer, line sowing, weeding and other intercultural operations were maintained). In treatment D1, 10 gm-2 , 14 gm-2 , 0 gm-2 top dressing dose of Urea were applied at the period treatment of A1: At Basal time, 35 and 0 DAG, respectively. Similarly in treatment D1, the treatments A2, A3 and A4 were applied. Similarly the D2 and D3 dose treatments were applied at the period of A1, A2, A3 and A4 treatments. Thinning operations were done properly in every treatment, however weeding were not practiced in any treatment plots except control. BJRI Tossa Pat 5 variety was used as study material. Results revealed that plant population, plant height, base diameter and bark thickness were influenced significantly due to top dressing does of urea except fibre yields and stick yields of BJRI Tossa Pat 5. The highest plant population, plant height, base diameter and bark thickness were recorded in D3 treatment. Numerically higher fibre yields and stick yields were found in D3 also. The all yield and yield contributing parameters differed significantly due to top dressing period. The highest plant population, plant height, base diameter, bark thickness, fibre yields and stick yields were recorded in A4 treatment. The treatment A4D3 contributed significantly highest plant height of 3.18 m, Base diameter of 15.02 mm, bark thickness of 3.17 mm, fibre yield of 3.05 tha-1 and stick yield of 6.97 tha-1 in interaction. Total Variable Cost (TVC) of 1,14,220/- Tk.ha-1 was recorded the highest in control plot, however 65,490/- Tk.ha-1 in A4D3 treatments. Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) was the highest of 2.58 in A4D3 and it was higher than every treatments and control. The cost (TVC) was reduced in the treatment A4D3 of 48,730/- Tk.ha-1 (43%) from the control where all intercultural managements were practiced.

Keywords: BJRI Tossa Pat 5, urea top dressing, does, period, TVC, BCR.

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Md. Ashraful Alam, Jannatul Ferdous, Manika Rani Debnath, Md. Shahadat Hossain and Md. Mahbubul Islam. (2019-07-19). "Reduction of Production Cost of Jute (BJRI Tossa Pat 5) as Influenced by Urea Top Dressing Does and Period." *Volume 3*, 3, 1-5